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Schrodinger’s Cat Experiment: ‘Existence of Parallel universe’

Schrodinger’s Cat Experiment: ‘Existence of Parallel universe’

Schrodinger’s Cat Experiment: ‘Existence of Parallel universe’

          What is Schrodinger’s cat experiment? What is the parallel universe? What are two states of matter? What is de Broglie wavelength? The answer to all these questions in one post.

           Austrian physicist Schrödinger is one of the founders of quantum physics. But he is known for one of his theory what he actually didn’t.

          Once he is playing with his cat he thought of an experiment which changed the way to look at the world for physicists. He imagines taking a cat placing it in a closed box along with a device which has a 50% chance of killing the cat for an hour. After completion of one hour, he asked his self that ‘what is the state of the cat it is alive or died?’ Common sense suggests that the cat either alive or died. But Schrödinger explained out that according to quantum physics at the instant before the box is opened the cat can be in equal part of alive and dead at the same time. It is only when the box is opened we see the only single definite state of the cat until when the cat has a probability half of one thing and half of the other thing, it seems absurd.

Schrodinger’s Cat Experiment: ‘Existence of Parallel universe’

          He found quantum physics in this theory so he amended the theory he had made and turned it into reading about biology. If it is not possible for quantum objects to stay in two different states at a single time then how a living biological object can stay in two different positions of state at a single time. Then the device you are reading it does not exist actually (not kidding).

Quantum Phenomenon of Superposition.

          Quantum phenomenon of superposition is a consequence of the dual nature of the object ‘particle and wave’. Every single object in the universe has both particle and wave nature. In order for an object to have a wavelength, it must take stand over one region of the state. It means it occupies many positions at the same time. The wavelength of an object to a small region of space can’t be perfectly defined. So it exists in every possible state of the wavelength at the same time. We can’t see this wavelength properly for everyday objects because wavelength decreases as the mass of object increases according to the formula of de Broglie. And it is called de Broglie’s wavelength.

          The cat is relatively big and heavy so we can’t observe its wavelength. If we took a single atom and took it to the size of a solar system the wavelength of a cat running from a physicist would be as small an atom without that solar system. That’s why it is too difficult to detect so we never see a wave behavior from a cat on the other hand particle like an electron can show domestic evidence of its dual nature.

Double Slit Experiment with an Electron Beam.

          If we shoot an electron at a time and shoot another electron through the nearby slits forming a barrier, each electron on a far side will get the particular position like alpha particle but when you repeat the experiment many times keeping track of all the individual detection you can see electrons forming a pattern or I can say sketch domestic of a wave behavior like a set of strips.      

        If you close one of the two slits no electron will go on the other side of the perpendicular bisector of the line joining two slits It means each electron is going through both slits. It is called superposition state of the electron and it leads to modern technology. An electron in a nucleus exists in a spread like an orbit moving atom gets closer and electron does not need to choose just one atom to move around. But are spread this is how some the chemical bond is formed. 

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