Neutron Star
Neutron Star
About once every century a massive star somewhere in the universe runs out of fuel this happen after millions of years of heat and pressure. It fuses the star's hydrogen into heavier elements. Such as helium, carbon, nitrogen all the way it reaches to iron. Now it is not able to produce energy (Radiation). To maintain its structure, it collapses under its own gravitational pressure and explodes into a supernova. The star spread most of its energy into space and it creates all the heavier elements in the universe.
What Is The Neutron Star?
Refuse into a neutron and forms a frictionless liquid which is known as the super liquid. Surrounded by a crust and this material is incredibly dense. Mass of fully loaded container ship shrinks into a human hair the mass of whole Everest has a space of sugar cube.hink of a compact ball inside which has a proton and electron
Have the strongest magnetic field of the known object. This magnetic concentration forms vertices that regrate beams from the magnetic poles. Since poles always aligned with the rotational axis of the star. The spin beams like a lighthouse spin will appear to blink when viewed from the earth we called it posers.
The detection of this phenomenon (signals) is done by astrophysicist charm bell in 1967 was in fact when we indirectly find neutron star in the first place.
Neutron stars time period will decrease in after billions of years as it radiates energy away from its energy in a form of electromagnetic gravity away. But not all neutron stars disappear so quickly so, for example, we have the binary star system[left-sidebar]
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